Fire Imparted Kingdom Ministries


Fire Imparted Kingdom Ministries is a back to basics bible believing church. God’s ministry was spoken into existence in the fall of 2017 and legally established in December of 2019. God has called and designated His ministry to be planted in the southeast valley of Maricopa County in Arizona’s Sonoran Desert and He has chosen Jermell & Alexis Carter for this undertaking. Fire Imparted Kingdom Ministries shall continuously pursue the truth of God, striving in the fulfillment of the Great Commission by teaching, preaching, and serving the Kingdom of God. Bringing truth, edification, and warning to the body of Christ, to impact the church body with positive change, fulfilling the calling to build God’s Kingdom, “One Nation at a Time.” Church Location - Coming Soon (Queen Creek, AZ)



I am a content curator and social engineer. The following channel is dedicated to covering anime. This will be a platform for open and respectful dialogue. All content uploaded to this channel is for entertainment and educational purposes only and everything stated is for the purpose of creative debates and discussions with an educated viewership. All content that is uploaded and posted on this channel is protected under the Fair Use Act. All unlawful copyright strikes can and will result in a federal lawsuit. IF you see any of your copyrighted content on any of the videos that are uploaded to this channel and would like for it to be removed, please contact the following email address and it will be removed from the channel immediately.

Kingdom Talk Podcast


Kingdom Road is a one-of-a-kind Christian mission trip. What qualifies it as "one-of-a-kind"? George & Claudia Rosario are on mission, traveling the United States of America, one road, one town, one city, one state at a time, in a tiny home. Come journey with us as we rediscover the historical Christian roots of our great American land. Join us as we reclaim this great nation in the name of Jesus, one state at a time. Follow us online via #RosariosEverywhere and #KingdomRoad.

King James Bible Readings


This is my second time at reading the entire King James Bible online. The first time was on Youtube back in 2017 - 2018. Since Youtube is now getting ready to censor everyone and everything that is either Godly or truthful, I\'ve decided to do it all again right here. Just like before, I am making each chapter of the bible that I read, it\'s own individual video. God blesses all of us who take His words seriously enough to actually read them and even more so when we share them with others. God bless you all.

Kingdom Keys


Apostle Ted and Prophet Shami have been on the Now Network every Sunday with their show “Kingdom Keys” where they teach in a very practical and easy to digest way on what the Kingdom is and how to become a Kingdom citizen on the earth. They are teaching people how to unlock the authority of God within them. They teach on how to bring God’s influence into whatever capacity you are functioning in (the 7 mountains or spheres of influence which are; business, family, religion, education, media, arts and entertainment, and government). They are bringing the Kingdom message of the gospel to the nations. If you want to grow in your walk with Christ and understand your identity as a child of God, make sure to watch and subscribe to “Kingdom Keys!”