Shift Your Reality


Transurfing is the art of controlling reality using our freedom of choice. The world always reflects our perception of it. Understand the principles that govern our reality. Every single person’s life is being influenced by the way he or she acts as well as the way he or she thinks. Transurfing is a unique technology of achieving goals and managing events with the help of special techniques of focusing the attention. Your life starts filling with everything you focus your attention on. Reality Transurfing® – is the unique technology of achieving goals and managing events developed by the Russian scientist Vadim Zeland. The essence of the technology was written in the series of books of the same name, which has been republished multiple times. Unlike other famous esoteric doctrines, the unique feature of this method focuses on the idea that the thought is not material and cannot have impact on the matter. However, the thought can affect infosphere that forms material reality. Transurfing theory comes from the following postulate: information is primary, and the matter is subsidiary. This fact is not so obvious since informational field does not comply with the laws of physics and cannot be detected by any functional devices, and therefore it is hardly explored. However, there are many evidences of existence of the informational field (aether) as a carrier of information, as well as the infosphere as a source code of the material Universe. The infosphere is an infinite archive of various “films” where everything that happened, will happen and could happen is stored. Reality is something that has never happened and will never happen. It is only now and once. Reality exists only one moment like a frame on a film roll that is moving from the past to the future. That is why the main idea of Transurfing is that it is non-productive to exist in the moment “now”. It is necessary to look forward into the future and compose the move of the frame. Fighting current reality is even less productive. Reality exists only so far as it has happened. You cannot change things that have already happened. However, it is exactly what the majority of human beings do. A human being can compose the reality beforehand. Composing means to choose the film roll and determine the direction in which the frame is moving. It can be done with the help of special techniques of focusing the attention that are described in the series of books Reality Transurfing®. Join us on Reddit

EtherealFeelings - Healing Frequency Music


Welcome to Soulful Frequencies, your daily dose of ancient healing music frequencies and transformative solfeggio compositions. We are dedicated to harnessing the power of sound to address a wide spectrum of physical and emotional well-being for a holistic well-being. From anxiety-relieving music and brain-boosting brainwave dreamy tracks to soothing pain relief and deep sleep aids. We help you on your journey towards optimal health and vitality. Some of the transformative benefits of our content, including weight loss support, full-body healing with Rife frequencies, and the infusion of positive energy into your life. We are committed to fostering emotional healing, spreading love, and raising your vibrational frequency to attract abundance. Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment. Subscribe now 🎵✨ #HealingFrequencies #SolfeggioMusic #AncientHealing #SoundTherapy

Realpolitik mit Alexander von Bismarck


Alexander von Bismarck ist Großneffe einer der größten und bedeutendsten Figuren der deutschen Geschichte, des Reichskanzlers Otto von Bismarck. Darüber hinaus ist er Begründer des für Diplomatie einstehenden Bismarck-Dialogs und Mitglied im Deutsch-Russischen Forum. Aus seinem Zuhause, dem Familienschloss Döbbelin in der Altmark, wird er in der neuen Sendung "Realpolitik mit Alexander von Bismarck" fundierte Analysen und Erörterungen des Weltgeschehens außerhalb der vorherrschenden politischen Diskurslinie durchführen.

Reality Practice


Can we really rewrite our past and design the future we desire? The answer is YES! Join me as I share my journey with you and show how I used the power of compassion, forgiveness, and love to completely rewrite my past and design the future of your dreams. The power lies within each of us to create our own reality. My purpose is to share these secrets that have been hidden from humanity for thousands of years, as I teach the principles needed to begin scripting out the story of your life, exactly as you choose it to be. The only question is, what reality are you choosing to create?