Clare Armstrong's Junk Drawer

1 Follower

Hi, I'm Clare. I live in the Highlands of Scotland. Here I create and share fun videos and don't take things too seriously. Why do so many 'Creators' take themselves so seriously? Here you will find a flawed person. I regularly trip over my dog in the morning, almost step on my kitten, and accidentally pour my coffee over an inverted cup and handle. I'm a person, not some fictional 'brand'. (Please, let's not pretend that anyone believes a 'day in the life of' video even remotely resembles reality. And please, let's not pretend that a face-tuned, migrated lip-injected duck-mouth is cute!) Look, someone has to say it, right? Why am I here? I predict that YouTube has peaked in popularity, and I feel that it will now begin to reverse in it's Industry dominance. I like Rumble as a serious competitor, as well as some form of a decentralized streaming platform. Maybe Theta. I am too lazy to create 'content' regularly, but occasionally I enjoy posting a badly edited (or not edited) video of my super cute animals. Or a video of me, myself, and I, taking the piss out of me, myself, and I. For more information about me or my services, please visit my website: (currently under construction) Thanks for being here!

Starea de veghe (News România)

1 Follower

Starea de veghe, emisiune tv a News România (post tv românesc de știri, dezvăluiri și dezbateri, cu emisie tv și online): Realizatoare tv: Adriana Bahmuțeanu. Ediții ale emisiunii tv Starea de veghe (de la News România) în canal video din SCOPUL NOSTRU ESTE SĂ FIM O TELEVIZIUNE LIBERĂ, INDEPENDENTĂ, OBIECTIVĂ, CARE SĂ PROMOVEZE ADEVĂRUL, MORALITATEA, VALORILE NAȚIONALE ȘI INTERESUL ECONOMIC AL ROMÂNIEI, SĂ FIE CÂINELE DE PAZĂ AL DEMOCRAȚIEI.