At the heart of my Rumble account is a deep passion for storytelling and visual communication. I believe that video has the power to inspire, educate, and entertain in ways that other mediums simply can't match. Through my videos, I strive to capture the essence of the people, places, and experiences that I encounter on my journeys. Whether I'm exploring a new city or immersing myself in a different culture, I'm constantly seeking out the stories that make our world such a rich and fascinating place. But beyond just creating compelling content, I'm also driven by a desire to connect with others and share my passion with a wider audience. Rumble provides the perfect platform for me to do just that, allowing me to connect with like-minded creators and engage with viewers from all over the world. Ultimately, my goal with this account is to continue honing my skills as a videographer and storyteller, while also building a community of fellow content creators and enthusiasts. I'm excited to see where this journey takes me, and I look forward to sharing it with all of you.



Get motivated going into 2023 by the billionaire luxury lifestyle! Experience what the luxury lifestyle of billionaires look like and digest all the motivation! “Tomorrow is the day the Universe will deliver an amazing blessing to you. Get ready. Your manifestation will be a success.” – Unknown “The key to effective visualization is to create the most detailed, clear and vivid a picture to focus on as possible. The more vivid the visualization, the more likely, and quickly, you are to begin attracting the things that help you achieve what you want to get done.” Everyone has their own dream lifestyle, but only few can achieve them... that's why i created this video for you guys to visualize the lifestyle that you always wanted. Watch this lifestyle visualization every time, and it'l help you achieve your dream lifestyle faster. For commercial purposes - It is scientificaly proven that people buy from people they see a lot. It´s about the personal brand. People like you are spending fortunes on advertisements. Our videos get hundreds of thousands views every month. You can sell stuff more easily because of the social proof we provide you.

BillionSurpriseToys - English Kids Songs & Cartoon


Billion Surprise Toys has a fresh and fun approach to children's entertainment, filled with re-imagined children's songs and stories with original music and cartoons that are sure to become children's favorites. Our songs and children's videos are made with a lot of love to provide children with the best, safest, and most fun family content. Our children's songs teach basic skills and improve their ability to understand and follow directions. Nursery rhymes improve both phonemic and linguistic skills. Kids of any age will love our songs and rhymes as they sing and dance along with their favorite characters. Billion Surprise Toys guarantees hours of fun for children of all ages. The brilliant videos from Billion Surprise Toys are available on all major platforms like Amazon Music, Spotify, iTunes, YouTube Music, Google Play Music, and Jio saavn. Learn and Play with us! Copyright © 2022 Animacast Productions. All Rights Reserved.

Billionaire World


Billionaire World is the ultimate channel made to watch videos of unbelievable but amazing life and rich lifestyle about the most richest and interesting people on earth, see the rich lifestyle of millionaires and the rich lifestyle of billionaires and there luxury lifestyle motivation and also learn about the lifestyle of famous celebrities, how they spend their millions or billions, the most expensive things in the world, indecent lifestyle, private jet, nice cars, millionaire lifestyle, houses, mansions, jewelry and watches, we've got you covered... #billionairelifestyle #billionaireluxurylifestyle #billionairelifestylemotivation #luxurylifestyle #billionaire #lifestylebillionaire #billionaireslifestyle #luxurylifestylemotivation #millionairetown #lifeofbillionaires #billionaireluxurylifestylemotivation #billionairelifestylesong #billionairemotivation #lifestyle #billionairelifestyle #billionairelife #richlifestylelifeofbillionaire #luxuriouslifestyle

The Billion Dollar Fraud Story


The story of this channel is about Reza; a 30 year old Iranian citizen, while living in Iran, won the GreenCard Lottery and migrated to the USA. As soon as he stepped on American soil, he was arrested. After being accused of defrauding the U.S. out of 4.7 billion dollars, he was ultimately sentenced to 10 years in federal prison... #billiondollarfraud #billiondollarheist #iranianhacker #financialcrimes #whitecollarcrimes #criminalmastermind #financialfraud #truecrimestories #whitecollarcrime #truecrimepodcast #scandalousfraud #whitecollarcriminal #truecrimestories #courtroomdrama #truecrimepodcast

BILLIONAIRE Luxury Lifestyle 💲 [Billionaire Entrepreneur Motivation]


Get motivated by the billionaire lifestyle full of luxury supercars, mansions, yachts and overall luxury lifestyle. Experience the lives of billionaires and use this as a motivation to crush all your goals! How would an extra $10,000+ a month change your life? You can find out for yourself! This will teach you how to build a 6-figure income within 2-3 months! It’s time to build your own Empire! This is only for the Action-Takers. It’s only for the ones who are serious about their future.. 👉

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Billion Infusion


This is the perfect place for those with great aspirations. If you are on your journey to becoming a billionaire, to achieve wealth, abundance and prosperity put your belt on and prepare your mind to harness those opportunities lurking around you. Remember - The only thing that stands between you and your dreams is your mindset and behavior. A plan, a strategy, repeated actions, celebrating the small victories and learning from mistakes are the most basic and valuable assets you need to set up your success.