John 3:16 Christian Ministries


John 3:16 Christian Ministries is a nondenominational.. faith filled..word driven online church! Our Live Stream Service Times include Thursdays at 7:30pm and Sundays at 10:00am EST If you have a prayer request or have any questions about John 3:16 Christian Ministries, please call 845-546-6365 Our mailing address is: John 3:16 Christian Ministries PO Box 44 Suncook NH 03275 We pray you enjoy and are blessed with our video channel! If it is on your heart to donate to John 3:16 Christian Center, go to

The Meaning of NERD


Using NERDY Material to derive a deeper life lesson from it. To find *The Meaning of Life* through *The Meaning of NERD*💪🏼 My Dear Friends, One's Meaning of Life is something hard to find. Throughout Life, we are tasked with finding our true purpose or at least with getting close to it. What many of us don't realize though, is how most NERDY material, like TV shows, Animes, Movies, Books & Games can help us out in said goal. How we can learn so many meaningful lessons from them. This channel is all about opening your eyes to these lessons and change your perspective of your favorite childhood shows, animes, movies, books & games. Hope you are here to stay & enjoy! Business Inquiries: