SveaLife Spiritual Healing & Development - Healing & Yoga Retreat


Through decades of spiritual and healing practice we have developed efficient procedures for different health conditions and issues. For us, spirituality is the key of health and happiness, successful and fulfilled living. We see this human life as an experience and the manifestation of the soul (spirit). What we offer you - either as classes, individual sessions or workshops - is what we live on daily basis, every day, for more than three decades now. This is what we do, this is what we live, this is what we are. We live spiritual life. We LIVE life. We are dedicated to Healing In our work we nourish holistic approach to health and wellness. Our procedures aim to restore, empower and harmonize your body, your mind and your soul. We are focusing on achieving results. We prefer to resolve the causes of your issues. We don't intend to keep you in therapies; we aim to heal you instead. Therefore we use procedures and techniques that are proven to be most efficient.



We are Warriors for such a time as this. Pray, intercede and encourage others! Be the light! Stand up & be strong! Remain at peace in your spirit but be prepared to protect your families. Turn off MSM & Social Media as 99% of it is lies designed to discourage. Remember Satan is the father of ALL lies. Guard your eyes, ears, mind & heart by filtering what you allow in. Deception is his tool, denial is a choice. Take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ. Pray and ask God what your role is, and jump in with both feet. Whether its intersession, to be an exhorter & encourager, to protect the weak, whatever... God knows, ask Him. YOU HAVE A ROLL! You are here for such a time as this. Read the Word, keep the faith and, "run, don't walk" in your calling. Joshua 1:9 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” God bless & protect you & your families! Bill ✌😎

Crowded Market Report By Jason Shapiro

3 Followers - Join the CMR community for direct interaction with Jason. You will also receive a weekly report, weekly charts not found anywhere else, a weekly COT index, and access to a private Discord server that is active seven days a week. Our goal is to help viewers learn more about trading, risk management and what it truly means to be contrarian. The Video series will include highlights from our weekly Crowded Market Report published by Jason Shapiro and the CMR Publishing Team, educational videos and general commentary on the markets. Our motto is "slow road to the rich house" so if you are looking for get-rich-quick advice, you are at the wrong channel. Jason has 30+ years of trading experience, is a hedge fund manager, and was featured in Jack Schwager's latest book: Unknown Market Wizards. Chapter 2 - The Contrarian. Disclaimer: This is not trading advice. Videos posted on this channel are for educational purposes only.