Citizen News Punditry since November 4th, 2020. These news punditry shows are done by Ash and began after the November 4th, 2020 election. It was his attempt to show others in the future and during his time, that some people stood up during this time and fought for their freedom and that of the world, when our leaders turned on us and tried to implement their "New World Order". Know that some stood tall while others misinformed and profited from these times. Some simply searched for the truth. In a time of lies. All opinions are my own. ***Please share any parts of any videos you want, I claim no copyright, all videos are public use. Thank you friends. I am on UgeTube here: https://ugetube.com/@Theater%20of%20the%20Absurd I will go on with this work as long as I can. Hopefully until mass arrests happen. Update November 11th, 2024: Donald Trump has won the 2024 election. This channel will continue to monitor the news and report on factual events that continue to happen in Trump's second term. Thank you. Ash

The Shuli Network


The Shuli Network is a network of podcasts featuring organic, in the moment, comedy. Comedian Shuli Egar and friends The Reverend Bob Levy and Mike Morse anchor the flagship Uncle Rico Show, a live, on the spot roast show, dedicated to Stuttering John Melendez. Every Uncle Rico Show the guys are handed a package of Stuttering John clips that they watch and react to in real-time. Never personal, never planned…just funny! The guys also host The BS Show, a morning show that features viral videos, bad stand-up comedy and public access television. On the network you will also find The Godfathers of Podcasting, Men Are Talking, The SportsHeads Podcast, Rock Bottom Podcast with Ray DeVito, The Miserable Men Show, Road Stories and more. Support the network by joining our patreon: https://www.patreon.com/theshulinetwork The Shuli Network on Facebook: facebook.com/TheShuliNetwork/ Follow the guys on Twitter: @shalomshuli @mikemorsesays @levy_sir

The Mexican Family


En éste canal encontrarás una manera sencilla de entender qué ocurre en el mundo y por qué. Esta es nuestra forma de crear contenido de valor que marque una tendencia y con la que todos aprendamos cosas nuevas y veamos al mundo con otra perspectiva, con la del conocimiento. Finalmente, nos gusta pensar que con nuestro contenido podemos aportar un granito de arena para que nuestra comunidad hispana se entere de los sucesos más importantes y también que el mundo comprenda lo mucho que aportamos a Estados Unidos, Canadá y cualquier país del mundo. Gracias por suscribirte y por apoyar a nuestro canal. The Mexican Family

The 5th Kind Verified


Welcome to The 5th Kind - Creating Content Exploring Thought-Provoking Subjects Such As World Mysteries, Ancient Aliens, Ufos, Spirituality, Metaphysical, and Paranormal Subjects. In Association With Paul Wallis & Gaia TV . As well as creating UFO analysis, ancient history presentations and news. The 5th kind produces custom video presentations, highlight and summary videos. Performs exclusive and in-depth interviews with names such as Erich Von Daniken, Richard Dolan, Micheal Tellenger and many more! If you would like to get in contact with us about collaborations, interview requests, share information or have any questions. Please don\'t hesitate to get in touch on the email address provided below. If you would like to get in touch about partnerships, brand deals, or services please get in touch via the same contact email provided below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.