NEW J6 Pipebomb Footage Released- Steve Baker; Democrats Win George Santo's Congressional Seat; Major Victory for Parents Against Woke Schools - Jesse Franklin-Murdock; Looking for Everlasting Conservative Love? - John McEntee; TX Lakewood Church; Fl
NEW J6 Pipebomb Footage Released- Steve Baker; Democrats Win George Santo's Congressional Seat; Major Victory for Parents Against Woke Schools - Jesse Franklin-Murdock; Looking for Everlasting Conservative Love? - John McEntee; TX Lakewood Church; Fl
THE FALSE PAGAN PASTORS AREN’T TEACHING THE TRUTH IN THESE FALSE CHURCH WHORE HOUSES, THEY ARE BAAL PROPHETS….”I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran: I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied.” 🕎John 8:12-59 KJV