3 months agoLinda Bamber Wav Watch 2: $125 savings code truthstream100 Join Our Locals for a giveaway of a wavwatch 2.0!! #332TruthStream with Joe and ScottVerified
15 days agoBREAKING: ISRAELI GENOCIDE IN SYRIA! - 1980s CIA Documents Predicted This STEP BY STEP!- MUST WATCHWorld Alternative Media
18 hours agoAlliance for Responsible Citizenship: David Brooks - LISTEN even if you do not like it, trust God; watch everyoneGrassRootsWarriorNetworkVerified
15 days agoISRAELI GENOCIDE IN SYRIA! - 1980s CIA Documents Predicted This STEP BY STEP!- MUST WATCHFree Your Mind Videos
1 year agoFREEWAV#1: FREE WAV WATCH humanitarian program. Share if you know someone that could use one.GrassRootsWarriorNetworkVerified
1 year agoFreeWav#5- More INCREDIBLE testimony and more FREE Wav Watch frequency tools!GrassRootsWarriorNetworkVerified
5 months agoLIFE SAVING CANCER CURE? - The Censored Testimonies That Could Save Your Life!World Alternative Media
1 month agoThe NEW NRA: Cleaning their own house and saving 2A Rights & freedomsGrassRootsWarriorNetworkVerified
1 year agoFREEWAV#1: FREE WAV WATCH humanitarian program. Share if you know someone that could use one.KevinHoytVT
5 months agoTHE SOVEREIGN PROJECT "How to Live FREE, Overcome Property & Income Theft while Saving The Kids!"GrassRootsWarriorNetworkVerified
9 months agoSecurity on a NEW LEVEL, saving people and First RespondersGrassRootsWarriorNetworkVerified
7 months agoMICHIGAN STANDS! Paul Poe from Kalamazoo - Grass Roots Warriors, WATCH US RISE!GrassRootsWarriorNetworkVerified
1 year agoWAV WATCH GIVE AWAY: NEW SHOW COMING! Rewards program and humanitarian effortGrassRootsWarriorNetworkVerified
2 days agoEXCLUSIVE: PYRAMIDS EXPOSED AS MACHINES! - New Scans & What WE Found Under Great PyramidWorld Alternative Media
1 day agoBREAKING: 145 BANKS CLOSE! - Banking Crisis Explodes In Just 5 Weeks! - Your Money Isn't SafeWorld Alternative Media
1 day agoBIRD FLU & MEASLES SCAM! - New Vaccine Propaganda By The Eugenicists!World Alternative Media