@KarenKingston Check The DESCRIPTION Of Any One Of My Videos And Update Yourself! - Or Keep Claimming Ignorance and LYING To Your Followers! #WBAN #ITU #IEC #ISO #NNI 👀
British MP Andrew Bridgen Confronts Parliament, Calls for an End to the Boosters and a Full Public Inquiry into How Every Agency Failed to Protect the Public
Ep.259 Feds Block EPA From Removing Toxic Fluoride From Water! Rogan: Establishment Terrified of Trump/Musk Government Efficiency Plan! HUrricane Helene Dog Abuser CAUGHT and ARRESTED! CBS Caught Editing Spkr. Johnson’s Answers, Manipulating Their Audie
EU MP Christine Anderson says there is no way she is taking it. Miss & Dysinformation is coming from government agencies and BIG PHARMA and not doctors or the public. The world needs her insights and courage! Must see!