Shuffling Biden: "I'm counting on the border action happening by itself... There's no need... I'm meeting with the prime mini — I'm meeting with the Polish leader tomorrow... uh, tomorrow?"
Another Saint Patrick's Day same Biden's old stories: "My grandfather used to say that, uh, being Irish, is, is uh... enough. Heh... I was with Xi Jinping a couple years ago in the Tibetan plateau..."
Q: Why did Biden claim, twice in one week, that inflation was 9% when he took office — when it was really 1.4%? Biden's Press Sec: "Well, uh, look, what the point he was making, uh, is that, uh, ..."
Kamala is like a drunk woman you met in a bar and you find yourself stuck and forced to listen while you keep saying "yeah, right, exactly, no question about it, yeah, uh huh, yep, right..."
Biden: "We have the highest unemployment in 50 years! You know, my, my, my son says, you ought to have a, uh, you know, we all have, uh, various short-term descriptions for your jobs, for what you're accomplished. You should say, Joe jobs."
Biden's "Presidential Freedom of Medal" Clown Show: "She's not only, she's not only the only person receiving this medal, she is a, uh, she is a, uh, you know..."
Biden Clown Show: "The African continent will have a billion people not too soon... Okay, next, I, uh — do I ask the next question, as well?.. we're also engaged in the Congo in that neighborhood!.. WHOA!"
Biden Clown Show: "An awful lot of people.. even they pay their loans, their debt increases.. my dad used to say, Joey a, uh, a paycheck is about more than a, uh.. and the economy is growing, it's growing job income across the board."
Biden: "There is some movement, there’s been a response from the, uh, there’s been a response from the opposition, but um.." Useful press: "Hamas?" Biden: "Yes, I’m sorry, from Hamas."