9 months agoI have evidence but the police just dismiss it on the account I have chemo brain or just plain.JohnW650
2 years ago😱 Girl Switches Bodies With A Serial Killer, Causing Chaos At Her School #movierecap #moviereviewDEEMO RECAPS
6 months agoA STORY OF PSYCHIATRIST BRUTALITY!!!!!!!!: EXHIBIT 5 psychiatrist CAUSES ME BRAIN DAMAGE!!!!!!!A StoryOf Police Brutality: What The Canadian Government Did to Severely Disabled Me, SEVERE TORTURE Of CHRISTIANS!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 year agoThe judge was found dead in the lobby the next day, with his brain placed on the scale. #hannibalNov_me video
3 years agoEvil as the Cost of Creation | The Mike Hill Series | Episode 7 (WiM148)"What Is Money?" Show
1 year agoRELIGIOUS BRAIN WASHING AWARE OF THERE ACTIONS | #ethnicclensing #brainwashing #proselytizingbrittjake99
1 year ago15 Murder Mystery Riddles from New York City | Can you solve these riddles with answersMajidyt