Electromagnetic Signal and Information Theory, and Stacked Intelligent Metasurfaces: Prof. Aryan Kaushik, IEEE CTN Senior Editor, Prof. Marco Di Renzo on latest technology of Electromagnetic Signal and Information Theory
The future of digital identity: DNA, AI and blockchains, Alan Radford, explores the potential of DNA-based identity verification through blockchain technology and the evolving role of nonhuman identities in the digital age.
Dr Andreani Odysseos | Bionanomachine Diagnostics and Nanonetwork Therapeutics in Brain Malignancies 2020 EAI International Conference on Bio-inspired Information and Communications Technologies
IS THERE A HIDDEN AGENDA BEHIND RECENT UFO NEWS? | Find direct links to Wernher von Braun and Carol Rosin's warnings about the ALIEN HOAX videos -- and many more related videos -- BELOW in the description box