Jessie Believes George Bush Snr Was Executed for his Crimes Against Humanity and Children, Made a Deal, Envelopes Handed Out at his Funeral + Over 180,000 Indictments (June 2020) Doesn't Include Top Levels, Only Mid-Level People Who Run the System
Occultists in Different Areas of Society, Well Known People + Frank Lloyd Wright Houses, Similar to the Underground Railroad When Slaves Were Given Signs with Meaning about a Place i.e. What Help is Available There
Underground Tunnel Systems, Reports of Children Being Rescued (June 2020) + Jessie's Personal Experiece and First-Hand Knowledge, Breeder Programs + Protectors, Assassins, Luciferian Sources Say There Were People Other Than Themselves in the Tunnels
Séances are Level 1, The Book Red Dragon is Level 10 + Ouija Boards, Top Occultists Don't Use Them But They Let You and Your Children Use Them, Recruiting Tool to Connect Spirits to People to Control Them + John Todd, Whistleblower, Music Industry
The Winslows and The Sullivans, High Level Masons Brought in to Build Chicago, Specific Designs, DUMBs, Trafficking + Technology to Track People From Their Fingerprints in Real Time, There is No Hiding From Spirits
Torture That Was Used + The Body Decays Quickly After Death, People Were Eaten Alive + Tapping People's Blood, Too Weak to Escape+ Gloria Vanderbilt Used Organs Taken From Victims for Divination
Katy Perry Wide Awake Music Video Decode, Release Dates, Carousel Mind Control Program, Sandman, Dreamy, Cotton Candy-Like Clouds + Carousel Programmed People Could be Triggered into Beta Kitty Sex Slave Alter, Doll Alter aka Thumbelina Installed at Age 2
Starlink, Quantum System, Elon Musk was one of Jessie's Group of 3 in the Looking Glass Project, Could Surprise People + Starlink Works Like Alexa, Emerald City + NESARA, GESARA, Heard It's Ready to Be Rolled Out
Trump is Actively Fighting Child-Trafficking, Anti-Trafficking Summit, Ivanka Trump, Survivors, Bella Hounakey, People with Information Can Report to Them
Trump Says That Every Child Deserves to Grow Up in a Safe Home and a Safe Community + Samaritan's Purse, Help for Survivors of Child Trafficking, People with Personal Experience
Clip of an Exorcism with Ed and Lorraine Warren + Changeling Spirits, Illuminati Protectors, Vampires and Werewolves, Connected to Spirits at the Age of 5 + It's Not an Illusion, Their Bones Actually Do Move
Why Not Go for the Demonic Generals Instead of the People? Taking Out the Demons Removes the Power from those People + The Decipher Key is a Dangerous Weapon + Anointing the Land
Comments on Trump-Biden Debate, Trump's Answers About What He Had Achieved, The Stimulus Package + Trump Bailed the People Out Not the Banks, He Took Money from the Illuminati
Katy Perry Bon Appetit Music Video Decode, Blow Torching Tongue, Caviar, Hollywood Meals, Pearls, Older People Paying to Attend a Cannibal Meal + Literally Eating People Alive, The Normalization of Evil
Exorcism, Ed & Lorraine Warren (Shown in a Later Clip) + The Higher Levels in the Occult Don't Do Séances, They Don't Need to Summon Spirits Because The Spirits Show Up Anyway + George's Paranormal Experience
Gloria Vanderbilt Created Scenes Depicting Suicide That Came True + People First Need to Understand the Depth of Evil To Understand the Justice That's Required + This Was Done To Them First + Beta Kitty Sex Slaves
MK Ultra Mind Control, Splits the Mind (Not the Heart) + Sin, Confession, Healing + Jesus is the Decode, This is Kept Secret, They Don't Want People to Know Because it Empowers them