Augmenting human potential in the 6G era " That Will Allow Us To Connect The Physical World & The Biological World With Digital Twin Models In The Digital World" - NOKIA BELL LABS 2023
Seriously how weak can you really be! Call them all out who hide information about the ITU(J-FET) ITU(IoBnT) ITU(AKILDIZ MOLECULAR COMMUNICATION) ISO,IEC BIODIGITAL CONVERGENCE STANDARDS!
Radiofrequency/Microwave Radiation Biological Effects and Safety Standards: A Review - Rome Laboratory - Air Force Materiel Command GrAffin Mr Force Ban, New York 1994
A Clear Mesage To The Ones Too BUTT HURT To eknowledge Or Tell The Truth About, WBAN, Molecular Communication & 6G ITU J-FET, IEC, ISO, Biodigital Convergence Standards & Policy!