Tucker Carlson & Alex Jones | Tucker Carlson & Alex Jones Discuss CNN's Brian Stelter, "I Was Sarcastic And Told Him That I Wanted to Date Him (Brian Stelter)." - Alex Jones
Acting | What Is Acting, Modeling & Hollywood All About? "There Are Three Main Methods for Invoking Any Deity, the Third Method Is the Dramatic, Perhaps the Most Attractive of All. It Appeals to His Imagination Through His Aesthetic Sense."
Entrepreneur | 21 Marketing Moves That You Can Use + Celebrating the DRAMATIC GROWTH (Doubling the Size of the Business) of One of America's Largest Wedding Photography Companies & Long-Time Clay Clark Client
Yuval Noah Harari | "If You Give Corporations & Armies the Technology to Start Messing with Our DNA & Our Brains They Would Like to Amplify Discipline & Intelligence. They Don't Need Compassion, Artistic Sensitivity or Spirituality.
Yuval Noah Harari (On Tim Ferriss) | Yuval Noah Harari (On Tim Ferriss) | "You Could Use Technology to Increase the Efficiency of People, the Intelligence of People At the Price of the Things Like Artistic Sensitivity and Spiritual Depth. What Kind o