Project Bluebeam: The NWO Plays Its Hand | Be sure to also watch the videos linked in the description BELOW, about Von Braun's Legacy - Dr. Carol Rosin, Corporate Manager at Fairchild Industries in the 1970's on the Military Industrial Complex
Divine Sovereignty Meditation — Isis Version of Meditation for Personality-Types Which Resonate with, or ARE Starseeds/Clusters/Tribes of Sirius (Teachings of ANY Kind are Useless or Completely Counteractive if Personalties Concerned Clash/Mismatch).
Full Moon in Capricorn 🌕 7/13/2022 🌟 The Sirius SuperMoon 🃏🎴🀄️ Collective Reading [L🔴CALS EXCLUSIVE—PREVIEW ONLY!] (For ALL Locals Members as well as Supporters)