Governor Kemp Allows RICO Violator DA Fani Willis to Stay in Her Job | General Milley's Replacement CQ Brown is Unqualified to Lead U.S. Military | 5 Praying Pro-Lifers Convicted Using FACE Act and Sent to Federal Prison | Col (Ret) John Mills, Rev
Violence Begins to Occur as Pro-Hamas Protest Tensions Escalate | The CCP Will Use Chaos to Cripple the U.S. Domestically and Internationally | Will Project Bluebeam and Hologram Technology Attack the Country Soon | Aila Wang, Clay Clark
Pro-Hamas Protestors are Herded By the Violent Red/Green Axis to Destroy America | Vaccine Hesitancy Will Be Used as an Excuse For Outbreaks | Christian Music Industry Fails to Promote Christianity | Dr. Kelly Victory, Pastor Caspar McCloud
Children's Hospital Kidnaps Sick 4 Year Old From Parents' Authority for Case Study | Militant Islamists are Setting Up in Our Country Through Southern Border | Dr. Mark Sherwood, Hope Schacter
Pro-Hamas and Transgender Sentiment are Related and Used to Destroy America | Collusion in Agencies is Enabling Leftist Controls to Flourish | The CCP is Bringing Slavery in Factories to the U.S. | Nate Cain, Aila Wang