4 years agoThe Max Bernier Show Ep. 49 : Bravo Roman Baber for telling the truth.People's Party of Canada - OFFICIALVerified
3 years ago562 - The Next Lockdown Step, New Police Powers, Police Service Pushing Back & Also Sus OfficersCanadaPoliVerified
2 years agoCivil War-Revolution-WW3-New Global Pandemic-Lockdown Without End*Watching The Insanity Manifest*EEARTS
4 years ago513 - Isolation Hotel with No Food, Vax Passports, Lockdowns Due To Sick Children, Economic DisasterCanadaPoliVerified
2 years ago1071 Lockdown by Fiscal Means, Rate Increase Fallout, Racism and Gender and CourtsCanadaPoliVerified
4 years ago502 - Flag Day, O’Tool is O’Out-Of-Touch, Lockdowns are a Violation of Our Rights and MoreCanadaPoliVerified
4 years ago470 - MPP's Starting to Break Ranks on Lockdown, Vaccine Passports and Health AdvisorsCanadaPoliVerified
4 years ago473 - Fines for Backyard Hockey, Lockdown Science, Injection Delays and Much MoreCanadaPoliVerified
3 years ago823 - Art Of The Deal on School Closures. New Lockdowns and Restrictions, Staffing Crisis and MoreCanadaPoliVerified
4 years ago481 - It’s a Sneaky, Sneaky Virus, WEF Great Reset, Covid Lockdowns and Consent Removed?CanadaPoliVerified
4 years ago494 - Not Following Access Plans, Vaccine AE’s, Brazilian Variant? Lockdowns Continue and Much More!CanadaPoliVerified
4 years ago486 - Health Outcomes and Lockdowns, Campaigning and Protesting, Covid Isolation and the LawCanadaPoliVerified
3 years ago526 - Covid Lockdowns and Lawsuits, Sudbury “Emergency Break,” Line Jumping and O’Toole CPCCanadaPoliVerified
3 years ago529 - Vaccination Caution Shown Across the World, But Not in Canada. Lockdowns Continue. Lots MoreCanadaPoliVerified
3 years ago831 - There is no Risk Free Path Forward. The Cure is Worse than the Disease.CanadaPoliVerified
2 years ago1005 Freedom of Speech is Important. The Discussion of Ideas is the Important part.CanadaPoliVerified
4 years ago495 - Public Health Aren’t Equipped for Dictator Powers, Variants Lie, Covid Restrictions & MoreCanadaPoliVerified
3 years ago820 - The Adoption of Digital ID Leads to the digital Enslavement of Mankind. I'm Will Not Comply.CanadaPoliVerified