2 years agoBee Barns Everywhere | Installing four more Bee Barns #8K #Beebarn #beekeeping #insectsBug Farmer Beekeeping
2 years agoPre-Harvest Bee Barn Inspection | Inspecting all bee barns before next weeks harvest #beekeeping #8KBug Farmer Beekeeping
1 year agoToo Many Queen Cells | The back row hives decided they wanted to swarm anyway. #beekeepingBug Farmer Beekeeping
3 years agoQueen Excluder -- Adding the queen excluder to the hive and stacking supers. Springtime beekeeping.Bug Farmer Beekeeping
2 years agoBad Day in the Bee Barn : A catastrophe of my own making. #8K #beekeeping #insectsBug Farmer Beekeeping
2 years agoFall Bee Barn Inspection | Looking around the Bee Barns after the oxalic acid. #beekeeping #insectsBug Farmer Beekeeping
2 years agoQueen OR NO Queen | Screen Combine Results #bees #insects #beekeeping #beekeeping101Bug Farmer Beekeeping
2 years agoHunting Queen Bees | Full Bee Barn Inspection | Spawn of Sage #bees #beekeeping #insects #8K #VLOGBug Farmer Beekeeping
2 years agoEasy Way To Mark Queens | Removing Heaters |White and Blue Inspection | #beekeeping #insects #beesBug Farmer Beekeeping
2 years agoWinter Queen Hunt | Checking Bee Barns for health and stores. #beekeeping #insectsBug Farmer Beekeeping
2 years agoThe Queen in a Pinch | Flow Hive Inspection #beekeeping #insects #8K #flowhiveBug Farmer Beekeeping
2 years agoBee Barn Expectation Vs. Reality | Green and Red Bee barn Inspection #8K #beekeeping #bees #preppingBug Farmer Beekeeping
2 years agoThe End of Preparation | Winter is Here | Hives preparing to battle winter. #beekeeping #beesBug Farmer Beekeeping
3 years agoABSCOND: Where Are My Bees? Green NUC makes break for it! #beekeepingBug Farmer Beekeeping
2 years agoSpring Swarm Prevention | Inspecting all hives for queens and swarm cells. #beekeeping #insectsBug Farmer Beekeeping
3 years agoFlow Hive Laying Worker - It is happening again but I may have caught it just in time.Bug Farmer Beekeeping
1 year agoInspection The Bee Barns | Preparing for DEARTH #beekeeping #dearth #beesBug Farmer Beekeeping