M.L. Redneck Renegade and Kerry Cassidy with the Earth Shattering Inconvenient Truth (12/15/22). [WE in 5D Has —BEEN— Speaking This for Some Time Already]. 🐆 PROJECT CAMELOT
WE in 5D Addresses the Recent Kerry Cassidy & M.L. Redneck Renegade Interview/Conversion. [NESARA/GESARA a 3rd Dimensional Concept?—Not Verbalized by Me Originally, But Find Out if I Agree.] “Patriotism Cannot be Our Final Spiritual Shelter.”
Kerry Cassidy Speaks 3/17/22: The Cost of Freewill—Choose Wisely (Law of Attraction) | Physical Life Experience Vs. The Eternal Soul—You Are Never a Victim | The Vaxxed | Joe Rogan & Trump | ➕ Upcoming Interview with M.L. of Redneck Renegade