1. what is reiki and how does it work? what is reiki attunement? A natural Therapy to heal yourself.

    what is reiki and how does it work? what is reiki attunement? A natural Therapy to heal yourself.

  2. Reiki For Lower Chakras l Clearing Stress + Anxiety l Emotional Attunement

    Reiki For Lower Chakras l Clearing Stress + Anxiety l Emotional Attunement

  3. Atheism to Spirituality Open Your Heart Love, Self Love Self Forgiveness Nature's Conscience Video 3

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  4. Why Are You Doing This? Natures Conscience Self-Help, Conscious Awareness, Self Love, Video 1

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  5. Conscious Loving Techniques Open Your Heart to Love 12 Step, Self Love Nature's Conscience Video 2

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  6. IQH Summary: Roots of Freemasons and Illuminati, Solstice Energies and Major WAVE of January 2020

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  7. IQH: Abortion, Galactic Council, The SHA, January's 2020 energies.

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  8. IQH: Past and Future Lives, Manifestation, Transmuters. Light Language

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  9. Oz Recap: Pyramids, Plant Medicine, Quantum Healer Guidance, Back2US

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  10. Hands and Soul Integrative Massage, Health & Wellness in Windham, Maine

    Hands and Soul Integrative Massage, Health & Wellness in Windham, Maine

  11. Spiritual Emergencies with Reiki Masters Bear & Rainbow

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