10 months agoChemtrail X Marks the Spot - SHOOT FREQUENCY HERE - HAARP HuntersHAARP Hunters - GeoEngineering Watch
10 months agoThere is no Climate Change - When THEY CAN CONTROL THE WEATHERHAARP Hunters - GeoEngineering Watch
1 year agoLate Nite, Black 'n White | Flip the Frog | Puddle Pranks | RetroVision TeleVisionVISTORAMA
2 years agoMasvidal Covington 2 ? Mike Tyson The Peacekeeper ! Lia Thomas FinkleWhiggaz with attitudes Lord Clifford P. Focus & Ye Olde Uncle Dusty Esquire are some dirty good for nothing lazy, no job having Original WHiggaz broadcasting with stolen mics whilst sitting on 22'z Wednesday's live at 9:30PM , join them or get your nooodl
1 year agoGuy gets pushed into a puddle with an excavator #zoobox #nonsense #prank #funny #constructionZooBox