30 days agoWhy does it matter that YOU stand on the word, and on the LORD Jesus, and stumble over it?drock5690
30 days agoThe BIBLE warns us in these last days that people will stumble over the Word of God!drock5690
1 month agoDo not be concerned about who opposes YOU, because it is the LORD who shakes the heavens and earth!drock5690
2 months agoUse Discernment over Receiving PROPHETIC Words about the AntiChrist and Return of JESUS!drock5690
18 days agoYou can have Absolute Assurance that the LORD will answer your prayers, and Move on your behalf!drock5690
1 month agoYour Faith in the LORD Jesus is a shield around YOU, and he is purifying You through your trials!drock5690
1 month agoThe LORD Jesus is Supreme over EVERYTHING, and it must be subjected to his will, plan and purpose!drock5690
16 days agoThe LORD wants YOU Healed, Healthy, and Prospering, as You walk in the truth of his Word!drock5690
8 days agoThere may be a DELAY in your BREAKTHROUGH. But, YOU will BREAKTHROUGH to Help other people!drock5690
1 month agoTrials give YOU the opportunity to seek the LORD, & receive generously from him what you are asking!drock5690
24 days agoThe LORD Jesus wants EVERYONE to have an Opportunity to be Saved before his Return!drock5690
28 days agoYou are going to suffer when YOU stop pleasing the WORLD, and live a disciplined life with Jesus!drock5690
19 days agoIt is out of God's LOVE for us that we ought to love ONE ANOTHER, and look out for each other!drock5690
23 days agoThere is a Joy when the incarnate word is made manifest among believers in Unity!drock5690