NASA's Biocybernetics Technologies Webinar: An in-depth look at two transformative systems that merge human physiology with cutting edge technology to enhance performance and interaction across various domains. Pervasive Biocybernetic Adaptation
Technology & Society: Implantable Technology - Turning the Body Into a Wire IEEE Spectrum - W.H.O. Human Gene Editing Advisory Committee - Global One Health - Biodigital Convergence - Human A.I. Machine Learning (WBAN)
The Great Reset | The Great Reset Agenda Explained In 7 Minutes and 8 Seconds: Connecting the Dots Between the mRNA Modifying Nano-Technology Shots, 5G, CBDCs, MIT, Quantum Dots, Gates, Epstein, Schwab, Musk, CERN, and the Mark of the Beast
Hidden and forgotten science of Ancient Greece combined with modern technology is creating miracles of healing and performance enhancement anyone can use.