General Flynn | General Flynn Interview: What Is the Future of Money? Featuring Clips & Excerpts from Tucker Carlson, Catherine Austin Fitts, Yuval Noah Harari, Robert Kiyosaki, Vladimir Putin, Jim Rickards, Esward Prasad, Etc.
China & Russia | "We Are for Use of Chinese Yuan In Settlements Between Russia & the Countries of Asia, Africa & Latin America." - Vladimir Putin (President of Russia) "Change We Haven't Seen In 100 Years." - Xi Jinpin
BRICS | "I Would Assure All Colleagues That We Will Continue the Work We Have Started Today to Expand the Influence of BRICS Around the World." - Vladimir Putin (President of Russia)
China & Russia | "We Are for Use of Chinese Yuan In Settlements Between Russia & the Countries of Asia, Africa & Latin America." - Vladimir Putin (President of Russia) "Change We Haven't Seen In 100 Years." - Xi Jinpin
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko | “Sometimes We Yearn Silence And You Focus And Really Listen You Can Perceive Her Presence And You Can Hear Her Loving Voice Calling Down From Above.” - Dr. Vladimir Zelenko
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko | “God Is Giving Each One Of Us A Choice, Who Are You Going To Bow Down Too? Who Are You Going To Worship?” - Dr. Vladimir Zelenko
Inflation | Vladimir Putin | "Caught In an Inflationary Storm. Why Bother Exchanging Goods for DOLLARSand EUROS When They Are Losing Value Right In Front of Our Eyes?"
Klaus Schwab | Mrs. Merkel, Vladimir Putin, They Have All Been Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum. "We Are Very Proud of the Young Generation Like Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. We Penetrate the Cabinets."