1. African Leaders Assemble For OAU Meeting in Kinshasa Sept. 1967 - Mobutu | Awolowo | Kaunda | Obote

    African Leaders Assemble For OAU Meeting in Kinshasa Sept. 1967 - Mobutu | Awolowo | Kaunda | Obote

  2. Emperor Haile Selassie Welcomes African Leaders To The 10th OAU Summit - May 1973- Addis Ababa

    Emperor Haile Selassie Welcomes African Leaders To The 10th OAU Summit - May 1973- Addis Ababa

  3. Nigeria Provides Financial Support For The Liberation Struggle In Rhodesia (later Zimbabwe)

    Nigeria Provides Financial Support For The Liberation Struggle In Rhodesia (later Zimbabwe)

  4. Agony of Wasted Opportunity (Episode one)

    Agony of Wasted Opportunity (Episode one)

  5. Presidents William Tolbert (Liberia) & Mobutu Sese Seko (Zaire) Visit Uganda | January 1976

    Presidents William Tolbert (Liberia) & Mobutu Sese Seko (Zaire) Visit Uganda | January 1976
