Donald Trump, "Hillary has believed it takes a village, which only makes sense, after all, in places like Haiti, where she has taken a number of them." Hillary friend Laura Silsby BUSTED for Kidnapping 33 HAITIAN children - Hillary helped free h
Mark of the Beast | How the Beast System Works: The Quant-Based CBDC, 5G, COVID-19 Shot, Luciferase-Based Biosensor, Injectable mRNA Modifying Nano-Technology, CRISPR, Quantum Dot, Quantum Computer & CERN System Explained
Clay Clark Client Testimonials | "I'm a Pediatric Dentist. Through (Clay Clark's) Marketing Plan We Have Seen An Increased Number of Patients. We Are Running At a 42% Increase." + How to Save $3,000 Per Year?
G. Edward Griffin | "The Whole World Is Moving In Unison. It's Part of the Plan That Has Been In Place for a Long Time to Reduce the Number of Banks Until Finally There Is Only One." (Best-Selling Author of The Creature from Jekyll Island)
Elon Musk on the "DIGITAL GOD". The "singularity" is FULL BLOWN TRANSHUMANISM when man merges with machine/AI/robots to welcome in the Antichrist Beast system.