1 year agoEthiopia Wedet: ከውይይቶች ተቀንጭቦ የተወሰደ #ፋኖ #Fano #eprp #ዴሞክራሲያ #ኢሕአፓ #ኢትዮጵያ #eprp #amharaFinotedemocracy
1 year agoየኢሕአፓ መግለጫ፡ የጦር ወንጀለኞች ሁነኛ ሥፍራ፤የተከሳሽ ሳጥን እንጂ የድርድር ጠረጴዛ አይደለም። #ፋኖ #Fano #eprp #ዴሞክራሲያ #ኢሕአፓ #amharaFinotedemocracy
1 year agoየግፈኞች መጨረሻ አስከፊ ውድቀት ነው! #palestine #palestina #israel #israelites #ፋኖ #Fano #eprp #ኢሕአፓ #amharaFinotedemocracy
1 year agoIsrael Bombing Hospitals And Refugee Camps Is Fine With UK PoliticiansNo wonder Aliens just drive by
1 year agoFinote Hateta: ዋናው ቁምነገር አንድነት ነው! #ፋኖ #Fano #eprp #ዴሞክራሲያ #ኢሕአፓ #ኢትዮጵያ #eprp #amharaFinotedemocracy
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1 year agoFinote Hateta: ክፍፍላቸው ይጠናከር አሜን!! የጠላት መፈራረቅ ለሕዝባችን ጮማ ነው! #ፋኖ #Fano #eprp #ዴሞክራሲያ #ኢሕአፓ #amharaFinotedemocracy
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