2 years ago(S1 E21) Ride to Billees to see his Minitruck, then my parents. RAIN! Vitacci Bashan Raven 250MotoCheez
5 years agoMini-Truck (SE02 EP03) Mini's Video Chat on Florida Vacation Suzuki Carry drive HijetMotoCheez
3 years ago(S2 E8) Florida then CT - Don't throw gas rags in a fire -Disturbed CB operator – MINITRUCKS!MotoCheez
3 years agoMini-Truck (SE04 E18) Test maxpeedking carb one month later, Mini to the rescue, 12V crockpot?MotoCheez
3 years agoMini-Truck (SE04 E14) Yard and trail clean-up, winching and rooftop tent back on (Rubicon)MotoCheez
2 years agoMini-Truck (SE07 E10) Trip to Jeffros see his homemade tractor grapple, Got me a FREE welder!MotoCheez