Why the Case for Elon Musk to Buy MSNBC and INFOWARS is so Strong — Alex Jones Breaks Down the Secrets of Destroying the Woke Mind Virus and Launching the Next Great Renaissance!
The Once "MAGA Granny" Turns on Trump and Alex Jones—This is the Kind of Frazzled Disoriented Mind Qanon Breeds After the PsyOp on the Individual's Mind is Complete, Saturating it with Enough False Dates and Fake Intel.
The Lights Are On, But Nobody's Home: Out-Of-His-Mind Faux-President Biden Basically Announces Plan To End The World! AND THEN There's Mitch McConnell.. | #HOWto #StopPayingTaxes #EndTheFedForThem #PeopleWhoCantEvenTalkSayTheyreGoingToBombRussia