The Black Eye Club, Comes From a Particular Ritual, It's a Warning to Brotherhood Members: Break the Secrets and Lose Your Eye + Adrenochrome Can Also Be Involved in Causing Black Eyes + Sodomy and Panda Eyes
Snack and Prayer + 666 Hand Sign, The One-Eye Club but also Positioning of the Fingers Gives Information About Quadrants, Ritual Locations, Sometimes They're Held at Military Bases
Beyoncé, Grand High Priestess in the Eastern Quadrant (Formerly Gloria Vanderbilt's Position), Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Death + Petition the Lord in the Throne Room
Who Are The Jesuits? EXPOSED Ma per i codardi,gl'increduli,gli abominevoli,gli omicidi,gli stregoni,gli idolatri e tutti i bugiardi la loro parte sarà nello stagno di fuoco e zolfo.
Politicians & Jesuits & Masons & Knights of Malta EXPOSED Ma per i codardi,gl'increduli,gli abominevoli,gli omicidi,gli stregoni,gli idolatri e tutti i bugiardi la loro parte sarà nello stagno di fuoco e zolfo.