Business Coach | How to Build the Systematic Sales Machine Including: Call Center Creation, Installing Sales Scripts, How to Hire, Train & Retain Quality People + Join Eric Trump & Kiyosaki At Clay Clark's March 6-7 Workshop!
Solar Eclipse | 99 April 8th 2024 Facts: Tesla's Earthquake Machine At 48 E. Houston, NY, Red Heifers Ready? NASA Great Deception & Serpent Deity Mission, CERN, A.I., Devil Comet, Euphrates, Hamas, Israel, Aleister Crowley
CBDCs | "You Can See the Signs of This Everywhere. What Are You Going to Do? Are You Going to Argue with the Machine? You Just Can't Imagine How Screwed You Are." - Jordan Peterson
Elon Musk | Why Did Elon Musk Say? "We Can Do a Full Brain Machine Interface. Ultimately, to Achieve Sort of a Symbiosis With Artificial Intelligence." - Elon Musk (July 17th 2019)
Elon Musk | "(Neuralink) Is Basically Like Having An Apple Watch Or A Fitbit That Replaces a Piece of the Skull. The Constraint On Human Machine Symbiosis Is Band-Width...Playing Video Games Just By Thinking." - 10/28/24
Elon Musk | "(Neuralink) Is Basically Like Having An Apple Watch Or A Fitbit That Replaces a Piece of the Skull. The Constraint On Human Machine Symbiosis Is Band-Width...Playing Video Games Just By Thinking." - 10/28/24
Elon Musk | "Is There a Use for Humans? I Think There Is Some Argument for Humans As a Source of Will or Purpose. It's a Much Higher Bar to Compete With 8 Billion Machine-Augmented Humans." - 8/2/24 + The Singularity