3 months agoDr Mike Yeadon: There's NO 'Virus' PAN-DEMIC & NO 'Contagion' All is a Fucking Lie!KimOsboel
8 months agoDr Andrew Kaufman ft Daniel Roytas: Closing The Chapter of The 'Germ' & 'Virus' Theory!KimOsboel
1 day agoFri 3-7-25 Storm Prediction & National Interagency Fire Center! AlaskaSkyWatcher🎯SEE DESC🎯AetherMedia22 Tony Punch
12 days agoUSAF Admits Chemtrails: Spraying Adulticide! Jim Lee, ClimateViewerAetherMedia22 Tony Punch
3 years agoBen Greenfield ft. Dr. Tom Cowan: Why there's no such thing as a 'pathogenic virus'? [20.02.2022]KimOsboel
6 months agoPRO PEDO TRUMP Psyop 'The People's Voice': Pfizer Dr Mike Yeardon: 'Viruses Do NOT Exist'!KimOsboel
1 year agoAlec Zeck: Reframing the Infectious Not Existing 'Virus' Disease Paradigm! [09.12.2023]KimOsboel
1 month agoEx Military Exposes Disturbing Insanity Coming/Been Happening 2025 ALERT Steve JW Tv🎯SEE DESC🎯AetherMedia22 Tony Punch
11 months agoDr Tom Cowan ft Alec Zeck: Has any 'Virus' EVER been 'isolated' and Exists? [31.03.2024]KimOsboel
1 year agoDr Thomas Cowan ft. Patrick Timpone: The Con Game of All Big Pharmas 'Medicine'! [23.06.2023]KimOsboel
1 year agoDr Tom Cowan ft P Timpone: The Con Game Of Medicine It's All A LIE! (Reloaded) [14.06 2023]KimOsboel
10 months agoYeah Controlled Opposition PRO 'Virus' Gatekeeper 'The People's Voice' STILL Pushing 'Viruses'!KimOsboel
1 month agoNormal Skies If You Believe The Lies! Joe Imbriano, The Fullerton Informer 🎯READ FULL DESC🎯AetherMedia22 Tony Punch