8 years agoCNET re-releases ignorant BS | glass only iPhone 6S repair for $25 | Tech press is full of **SHIT**Louis Rossmann
1 month agoCRACKCOON - This Drugged Up Raccoon Goes On A Rampage... (USA, 2024)SHOCKMANIA! by The Arty Dans
9 years agoMacbook Pro Retina improved durability in backlight circuit in newer models.Louis Rossmann
10 years agoRidiculous tools & the business failure that results when you buy more than what you need.Louis Rossmann
1 month agoFinally! A Movie About A Drugged Up Raccoon! Previewing CRACKCOONSHOCKMANIA! by The Arty Dans
10 years agoDebunking AASP myths on "generic" laptop LCD screens, or why Mikey's Hookup is full of shit.Louis Rossmann