Shadow-Work: One of the Most Important Karmic Exercises That Must Be Exercised Properly. [ No Matter What DO NOT Self-Deceive by Denial EVER! ] — Sarah Elkhaldy “The Alchemist”
Abraham Hicks—WHAT YOU’VE BEEN DYING TO KNOW: How Your SOUL Works in Correlation to Your 3D Human Flesh/Bones Version of Self + Does [Little Human You] or [Expanded SOUL You] Call the Shots, and is One More Advanced (a Matter of Perspective)?
The Rapture/Great Solar Flash — Nostradamus Effect (S1E12) | WEin5D Tips: 1. FLASH is Perspective, 2. YOUR Christ Consciousness is Your Divine Protection (Not an Archetype—SO DO THE WORK), 3. You're Living the Tribulations NOW—You're Fine!
Parts Work: What is Parts Work and How To Do It — Teal Swan | WE in 5D: I'm gonna go ahead and place the bet that this could be the most important video my "Locals Constellation" could view in 2025. #InnerWork
Broken Soul: Doing the Work to Get Back the Pieces! — Before You Judge Others and Accuse Them of "Selling Their Soul" Take a Look at Yourself and Where You've Sold Yours. | Phil Good
LISTEN: How We Got Into the Mess Our World is Now in. It Was Planned Long Ago. Dr. John Coleman: "Black People of America, Do Not Trust The Democrat Party. You Are Dispensable to Them.