Money | GOLD HITS $2,800! | What Is the Future of Money? What Are Stablecoins? "The Social Credit System Is An Expansion of Money Or A New Kind of Money, to Monetize Everything." - Yuval Noah Harari
Yuval Noah Harari | "The Social Credit System Is An Expansion of Money Or A New Kind of Money. Traditional Money, They Give Value Only to Specific Parts of Human Reality. Social Credit Is to Monetize Everything." 11/16/2024
De-Dollarization | "De-Dollarization Emerging" - US JP Morgan Says (June 8th 2023) + "Central Banks Are Stocking Up On Gold. 2022 Was a Record Year." "BRICS Considering Expansion of BRICS & the Pitch for a Common Currency.&quo
De-Dollarization | "De-Dollarization Emerging" - US JP Morgan Says (June 8th 2023) + "BRICS Is Considering the Expansion of BRICS & the Pitch for a Common Currency." - Firstpost (June 3rd 2023)
Don’t Worry, Be Happy | There Is Nothing to Worry About Other Than These 10 HORRIFIC Things Including: mRNA In Our Food, Food Vaccines, Gene-Editing In the COVID Shots, the Collapse of the Dollar, The Chinese & Russian Air Forces...