Yuval Noah Harari | "Earth Will Be Populated Or Dominated By Entities That Are Not Organic, That Don't Have Emotions. Will A.I. Have Consciousness? It's Very Practical. The Bank Basically Let's An Algorithm Decide Your Fate."
Yuval Noah Harari | "I Wrote NEXUS. The Entities I'm Trying to Impress Are the Algorithms Because If I Can Get the Attention of Algorithms the Humans Will Follow." - 9/5/24 | Sherwood Breaks Down Harari's Verbal Vomit & Jackassery
Yuval Noah Harari | "What Happens Once You Have Emotional Attachments & Relationships With AIs? There Will Be a Big Pressure to Start Recognizing Them As Conscious Entities. Do We Recognize AIs Are Persons?" - 10/15/24
Yuval Noah Harari | "I Wrote NEXUS. I Go from Podcast to TV Station to Talk About My Book. The Entities I'm Trying to Impress Are the Algorithms Because If I Can Get the Attention of the Algorithms the Humans Will Follow." - 9/5/24Yuval Noa
Yuval Noah Harari | "I Wrote NEXUS. The Entities I'm Trying to Impress Are the Algorithms Because If I Can Get the Attention of the Algorithms the Humans Will Follow." - 9/5/24
Dr. Stella Immanuel | Why Did Volodymyr Zelenskyy Name Marina Abramović As An Ambassador to Ukraine? “We Are Dealing with Principalities & Demonic Entities In Human Form.” - Dr. Stella + Why Is Elon Musk Offering Humanity Eternal Life?
1975 Sen. Frank Church prediction of what would happen to America if entities within our own government turned technology meant for war, against We The People.