DSNews | Have you seen the Snedeker video? Yes. Hold onto your hats. Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes Jumps from Flynn Contagion Ship! And a Sneak Peak on what DBS is workin on.
Ninja Focus ~ Trump Assassination Analysis Pt. 4 | Multiple Shooters? Crooks never fired a shot? Patsy Dead while Trump is still talking? This changes Everything w/ John Cullen.
DSNews | General Stanley McChrystal & Lt. General Michael Flynn | Controlled Opposition Exposed by Nathan Reynolds & Grey Area Monarch | Know them by their FRUITS!
DSNews | The Gillotine Glitch in the Brokered Convention Matrix. Will We Hear the Tape that Remains Hidden? 98% of the Truther Movement is infiltrated/handled by the CIA.
DSNews | Why did Trump acknowledge he lost the 2020 election BY A WHISKER? And why does he keep talking about how he protected Hillary Clinton while President?
Ninja Focus ~ Trump Assassination Analysis Pt. 3 | Blood or no blood on Trump’s hand? | Crooks (Patsy), Yearick family & Cheney connections w/ George Webb
Sabrina Wallace Q&A: What is Covid exactly? And if it’s involved with the electromagnetic spectrum and warfare then why does it seem to respond to things like Ivermectin?