Elon Musk | Musk's Vision for Teaching? “AI will dramatically affect education, because AI is an extremely knowledgeable teacher & can tailor the lessons to the child." + Proverbs 22:6 + Trump to End Income Federal Income Tax?
CBDC | Neel Kashkari President of the Minneapolis Federal Reserve "I Can See Why China Was Doing It If They Wanted to Monitor Everyone of Your Transactions."
Central Bank Digital Currencies | "A System That Relies Entirely On Completely Secret Information About Who Is Owning the Digital Dollar Would Not Be Viable." - Jerome H. Powell (Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve)
CBDCs | Programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies Are HERE!!! + Why Is Dr. Eric Nepute Being Sued by the Federal Trade Commission for $508,000,000,000?
CBDCs | Is Jerome Powell Describing Quant CBDCs? | "If We Were to Pursue a CBDC. Identify Verified, So It Would Not Be An Anonymous Bearer Instrument." - Jerome Powell (Federal Reserve Chairman)