Yuval Noah Harari | Why Did Yuval Noah Harari Choose to Feature a "Dove" On the Cover of His New Book "Nexus?" What Does "Nex" Mean? In Latin, Next Means: To tie, to bind, death and murder + A Reverse Noah's Ark?
CBDC | Central Bank Digital Currency Feature UPDATES: "The CBDC Money Will Put Expiration Date On the Digital Money" - WSJ, "CBDCs Will Be Implanted Under Your Skin" - Professor Richard Werner, "(CBDCs) If That Happens, We'r
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De-Dollarization | Why Did USDebtClock.org Add a Dollar Supply Countdown Feature That's Currently On Pace to Be Completely Depleted By Oct 8th 2023? Why Has USDebtClock.Org Updated to Read "Dollar to Gold Ratio Is Now $0 Per Once"?
Grammys | Why Did the 2023 Grammys Have a Satan Theme? Why Were the 2023 Satanic-Themed Grammys Sponsored By Pfizer? Did the 2023 Grammys Feature Satanic Rituals? Why Did the Satanic Temple Open An Abortion Clinic to Offer Free Ritual Abortions?
General Flynn | General Flynn Interview: What Is the Future of Money? Featuring Clips & Excerpts from Tucker Carlson, Catherine Austin Fitts, Yuval Noah Harari, Robert Kiyosaki, Vladimir Putin, Jim Rickards, Esward Prasad, Etc.
The Great Reset | Why does the World Economic Forum logo feature a 666? Why does the Google Chrome logo feature a 666? Why does Microsoft have a patent for CRYPTOCURRENCY SYSTEM USING BODY ACTIVITY DATA that features a WO2020060606 publication number?