FOC Show: EXPOSED: The SHOCKING way Coca Cola HIDES its health risks - Glenn Beck; IS JESUS COMING NOW? - Stacy Whited | Robin Bullock, Julie Green, Amanda Grace; BIGGEST LOSS in the Swiss National Bank in 116 Years - Economic Update
FOC Show: Can Pastors Be Trusted? - Jackson Lahmeyer; Bank Failures: This was their plan the whole time! - Economic Update; Minnesota Became a Sanctuary State
FOC Show: WHAT IS GOING ON WITH THE BANKS?!- Economic Update; Tucker Carlson, Gretchen Whitmer, Colin Kaepernick, and Censoring the Bank Crash - Breanna Morello
FOC Show: What is your Purpose... WHY ARE YOU HERE? - Jane Clement and Donne Clement Petruska; No, Central Banks WON’T Save Us This Time - Economic Update
FOC Show: China's Shadow Bank Crisis Stokes Fear of Housing Spillover - Economic Update; A Working Model for Keeping Politicians Accountable - Sarah Thompson
FOC Show: How to Prepare for the Mark of the Beast - Vidar Ligard; Freak in the Women’s Bathroom - Lindsay Graham; Microsoft, Bank of America, Apple… all Money Towards Digital, AI based CBDCs
ROBIN D. BULLOCK | A Tale of 2 Kings: Breaking the Witchcraft over our Nation; This has Warning Signs All Over It! The Banks are NOT on Solid Footing. - Dr. Kirk Elliott | FOC Show
FOC Show: The Most BANNED Woman: What She has to say will SHOCK YOU! - Katie Hopkins; These are the US Banks with the Most Uninsured Deposits - Economic Update
LOCKDOWNS | Shutdowns to Lawsuits... What is the RIGHT Thing to Do? - Alfie Oakes; Banks Are Closing Branches and US Treasury Direct Freezes Customers Money - Dr. Kirk Elliott | FOC Show
FOC Show: The REAL Fountain of Youth - Dr. “So Good” Sherwood; Bank of America CEO: We’re preparing for Possible Debt Default - Economic Update; Bill Maher on Getting Anger from Both Sides
Will A.I. Replace the New Human Race? - Joe Allen; Bio-Hacking Secrets Revealed - Dr. Mark Sherwood; Get Your Money Out of The Banking System! - Dr. Kirk Elliott | FOC Show
FOC Show: MLK Jr. Would Be Appalled By Today’s Social Justice Warrior’s Marxist Roots and Pursuits; They are Coming in with a GIANT Global, Heavy-Handed Communist Takeover of the Banking System - Economic Update