30 days to go. Desperate Democrats go nuts over Republicans' rejection to pass Democrats' bullshit spending: "President Musk said don't do it! Don't do it!..."
Ray Dalio | "A Debt Death Spiral. That's Where We Are Approaching" + "People Don't Have Adequate Amounts of GOLD. When Bad Times Come, Gold Is a Very Effective...10-15% In the Portfolio Is Worth Giving Thought To."
Ray Dalio | "A Debt Death Spiral. That's Where We Are Approaching" + "People Don't Have Adequate Amounts of GOLD. When Bad Times Come, Gold Is a Very Effective...10-15% In the Portfolio Is Worth Giving Thought To."
Larry Ellison | “Our First Customer Was the Central Intelligence Agency...The Camera Is Always On. You Can’t Turn It Off. The Truth Is We Don’t Really Turn It Off. A Judge Can Order This So Called Bathroom Break.” - 9/12/2024
Libby Emmons: "I would like to see MTG's "Protect Children's Innocence Act" passed, which I don't think will pass, because you even had Republicans vote against it, which is insane."