The Great Reset Explained In 2 Minutes | "The Difference Of This Fourth Industrial Revolution Is It Doesn't Change What You Are Doing It Changes You If You Take the Genetic-Editing." - Klaus Schwab + "Surveillance Under Our Skin"
CBDC | "Pfizer Is Not a German Company. Pfizer Is a German-Chinese Company. They Produced a Billion of the Vaccines, But China Doesn't Use These Vaccines." - Naomi Wolf (Investigative Journalist & Tech Entrepreneur)
Tony Fauci & Intentional Misuse of Karry Mullis' Polymerase Chain Reaction Tests | Could There Be Connection Between Those Two? "Fauci Doesn't Mind Going On Television & Lie Directly Into the Camera." - Karry Mullis
The Great Reset | CBDC | "The Fourth Industrial Revolution Doesn't Change What We Are Doing, But It Changes Us." - Klaus Schwab | "COVID Legitimizes the Deployment of Mass Surveillance & It Makes Surveillance Go Under Your Skin.&qu
Why DOESN'T Kari Lake Want To Win Her Case? She Needs To File A Rule 59a By Mon 6/5 & Appeal On Valenzuela's Testimony & GAME OVER! ANN VANDERSTEEL & MICHELE SWINICK
Yuval Noah Harari | "Christianity Doesn't Like Sex Very Much. Now If You Give the Tools to Overcome Biology, Just Think About the Sex Life. No If You Can Really Start Messing With Human Biology What Will Be the Result of These Sexual Fantasies.&
CBDC | "Technology Doesn't Make for Trusted Money. Only the Legal Historical Infrastructure Behind Central Banks Creates Credibility." - Agustin Carstens (Bank of International Settlements CEO)
Ep.258 Coachella Assassination Attempt is FAKE NEWS! TRUMP/ROGAN PODCAST IMMINENT! GUEST: Mark Putrino, Trump Using Decoy Planes, Iran: Tall White Aliens Control USA
#80 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Why DOESN'T Kari Lake Want To WIN Her Case? She Needs To File A Rule 59a By Mon 6/5 & Appeal On Valenzuela's Testimony...GAME OVER! MICHELE SWINICK & ANN VANDERSTEEL