#274 What's The Definition Of Insanity? If We Want Different Results We Need To Do A 180 On All Strategies...FOR EVERYTHING! | JESUS ROCKS - LUCY DIGRAZIA
#300 Maricopa County NOV 8 Election Fraud & Maladministration MARATHON! 5 Hours Of Evidence…EXPOSING The County’s Official Election Returns, Records & Documents! The ONLY Way To Win NOV 5 Is To SET ASIDE NOV 8…Kari & Abe Can Do It NOW!
#259 MASSIVE Maricopa County ELECTION FRAUD & LAWS BROKEN In Front Of Our Faces - EVIDENCE & DOCUMENTS EXPOSED! Why Won't LAKE & ABE Take This Info To Court? Where Are The AZ Legislators? Sheriffs? Fake Leaders? | MICHAEL JACO
Unredacted Covid Documents Reveal the Persecuted and Smeared 'Unvaccinated' Were Right to Resist | We must remain vigilant, for the next attack may already be on the horizon