General Flynn | Flynn & Clay Clark Join X22 to Discuss: CBDCs, BRICS, Dedollarization, Great Rest, Bird Flu, COVID, Mpox, Mosquito-Born-Diseases, Trump 2024 & Will X22 Disclose Identity At Oct 18-19 Selma, NC ReAwaken!
Disney | Who Was Walt Disney? Was Is Walt Disney's Club 33? What Is DeMolay? + 55 SPECIFIC Examples of the Corruption of Disney | Special Interview with Tania Joy Gibson
Dr. Judy Mikovits | URGENT PODCAST | What Do You Need to Know About "Disease X?" | Why Are U.K. Scientists Developing Vaccine for "Disease X" Before "Disease X" Event Exists? + How Did Alex Jones Predict "Disease X"
Artificial Intelligence | "Artificial Intelligence Creating New Virus That Kills Billions of People, A New Pandemic." - Yuval Noah Harari + U.K. Scientists Developing Vaccine for Deadly Pathogen (Before the Disease Exists?)
Black Mirror | Lara Logan | What In the BLACK MIRROR Is Going On? What’s Up with Disney Movies? What’s Going on w/ Big Tech & Big Government? What’s Going On w/ BRICS & CBDCs? Why Do Musk, Harari, Xi & Schwab All Agree?
Disease X | Mark Chapter 13, Matthew Chapter 24:7, Luke Chapter 21:11 & Disease X Is COMING And It Is CONNECTED to The Book of Revelation 6:8 | Prophecy 2024
Lara Logan | What In the BLACK MIRROR Is Going On? What’s Up with Disney Movies? What’s Going on w/ Big Tech & Big Government? What’s Going On w/ BRICS & Central Bank Digital Currencies? Why Do Musk, Harari, Xi & Schwab All Agree?
Liz Crokin | JPMorgan Alerted US Gov to $1B of Jeffrey Epstein Transactions Linked to ‘Human Trafficking’ + PizzaGate? Why Were Clintons, Gates, MIT & Epstein Connected? Obama Orders $65K of Pizza / Hot Dogs? 32 Examples of Disney Sickness
Bird Flu | Why Is An International Avian Influenza & One Health Emerging Issues Summit Being Hosted Sept 30th - Oct 3rd 2024? What Is More Shameless? Another Plandemic Or Funeral Crashing? Is Bird Flu Disease X?
Liz Crokin | JPMorgan Alerted US Gov to $1B of Jeffrey Epstein Transactions Linked to ‘Human Trafficking’ + PizzaGate? Why Were Clintons, Gates, MIT & Epstein Connected? Obama Orders $65K of Pizza / Hot Dogs? 32 Examples of Disney Sickness