Thomas Renz | "When I Start Talking About Statistics Their Eyes Glaze Over. But When I Tell Stories About People They Listen Because Deep, Deep, Deep, Down, Your Lawmakers Are Human."
Trump for Speaker of the House? Trump for Speaker of the House with a Mission To: 1. Call Out the Satanic Agenda 2. Defund the Swamp 3. Investigate the DEEP STATE (See Show Description for DETAILS)
Artificial Intelligence | "To Threaten the Survival of Human Civilization A.I. Doesn't Really Need Consciousness And It Doesn't Need the Ability to Move Around the Physical World. A.I. Is Able to Learn By Itself...Deep Faking People's
Trump for Speaker of the House? Trump for Speaker of the House with a Mission To: 1. Call Out the Satanic Agenda 2. Defund the Swamp 3. Investigate the DEEP STATE (See Show Description for DETAILS)