1 year agoExposing the coming Fake Alien Invasion so advanced technologies can be revealed.michaelj5326Verified
1 year agoKerry Cassidy on Egyptian Alien influence in history and currently worldwide.michaelj5326Verified
1 year agoThe coming alien invasion pushed by the separate deep state government tyranny. Time for white hats to break away and expose.michaelj5326Verified
2 years agoIllegal Alien invasion is a war being wagged against America and the world by the WEF.michaelj5326Verified
9 months agoIllegal aliens going to keep social security from collapsing or part of the new world order system?michaelj5326Verified
1 year agoLIFE BEYOND: Chapter 1. Alien life, deep time, and our place in cosmic history"Unveiling Tomorrow: ANSTECH - Exploring the Cutting Edge of Technology"
3 months agoTIM TACTICAL: Alien Encounters Unveiled - Grey Meetings & Exotic Lifeforms Face-to-Facedebontheradio
1 year agoThe Plot Thickens! Aliens, Illegal Miners & Space Force in Peru "Operation Sentinel"Leak ProjectVerified
1 year agoScientists Revive 46,000 Year Old Worms from Siberian Permafrost, Reminds me of X-Files Alien GooLeak ProjectVerified
11 months agoUfo & Alien Disclosure Ufo's Fighting on the Moon LIVE & cutting out the surfaceBruceSeesAll
1 year agoNephilim Possessions Disguised as Alien Abductions, Latest Research, Nathaniel GillisLeak ProjectVerified
1 year agoExpert Claims, Aliens are Helping Western governments Develop SpacecraftLeak ProjectVerified