Errol Musk | "We Learned Obama Is a Queer Married to Man Who Dresses As a Woman." + Errol Musk Is the Father of Elon Musk. Errol Had Two Children with His Stepdaughter, Jana Bezuidenhout, Despite a 42-year Age Difference.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. | "I Recommend Children Follow the CDC (Vaccine) Schedule. And I Will Support the CDC Schedule..If I'm Fortunate Enough to Be Confirmed...Operation Warp Speed Was An Extraordinary Accomplishment."
Peter Thiel | "If We Say That Crypto Is Libertarian, Can We Say That A.I. Is Communist?" - Peter Thiel + "Artificial Intelligence Is the Fastest Path to Communism." - Grimes (Mother of Three Elon Musk Children)
Fauci | "They Were Torturing These Children. There Is Footage In An Old BBC Documentary That Will Make You Cry...Found the Cemetery Where Fauci Was Disposing of the Corpses of the Children..." - Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Tucker Carlson | "We Have a Right to Be Mad. I've Got 4 Draft Age Children. So If You Are Playing Recklessly, Fast & Loose w/ Their Lives Then I Have a Right to Despite You & I Do. So If You Are Nikki Haley or Ben Shapiro, Then I Have a
Pandemic | Another Pandemic On Its Way from China? "Hospitals In China Are Once Again Overwhelmed. You Should Be Worried If You Have Young Unvaccinated Children At Home." - WION News (November 23rd 2023)