Catching Pedophiles - Alex Rosen; 13-Year-Old Girl Raped by Mob of Migrant Egyptian Men in Italy - Dan Lyman; Trump DOES NOT have Immunity - Jeff Clark; Citizen Free Press; EU Withdraws Plan - JD Rucker | The Breanna Morello Show
EXCLUSIVE: Cop Shot By Breonna Taylor's BF Speaks Out After Judge Says BF Caused Her Death, Dr. Robert Malone on Fauci Catching West Nile, DNC/RNC Pipe Bomber Update with Steve Baker, and more- The Breanna Morello Show
Catching Pedophiles - Alex Rosen; 13-Year-Old Girl Raped by Mob of Migrant Egyptian Men in Italy - Dan Lyman; Trump DOES NOT have Immunity - Jeff Clark; Citizen Free Press; EU Withdraws Plan - JD Rucker | The Breanna Morello Show